The following entertaining and informative illustrated talks are available (also available via ZOOM during the Covid19 pandemic) – perfect for WI groups, Probus Clubs, Rotary groups, Townswomen’s Guilds, U3A, and other clubs and societies.
1. Chester’s ghosts – the inside story. An insight into the strange and inexplicable goings-on around the city, based upon my extensive experience of conducting ghost tours. Expect the unexpected!
2. The Miller’s Tale: the history of flour milling, with particular reference to the beautiful Stretton Watermill near Chester.
3. The industrious Chester Canal: a look at the industrial side of Chester, and how the canal developed to bring industry to the city.
4. The Rows of Chester: how the world-famous and unique Rows of Chester were created.
5. It’s a Guide’s life: A miscellany of amusing anecdotes based upon my experiences over 19 years as a tourist guide.
6. British Columbia the easy way: a virtual journey to some of the most beautiful parts of Canada, accompanied by breathtaking images, hints and tips
7. Chester Zoo – an insight into its background, purpose, and some of its inhabitants. Did you know that elephants walk on tiptoe? You’ll find out more about the animals – and about my experiences doing guided tours of the Zoo over the past few years.
8. A different perspective: views of Chester and its Cathedral that you may never have experienced before. Different, and fascinating!
9. The Walls of Chester: see parts of the Walls structure that have lain hidden for 1,800 years, and discover a wealth of details about the evolution of the most complete circuit of Medieval (and older) town or city wall in Great Britain.
Each of the above talks lasts for approximately 45 minutes and is accompanied by good quality digital photos. I will provide a quality projector (and a large screen if required).